If you’re looking at how to become a house sitter and get paid for looking after other people’s pets, let’s talk….

As the founder of Peace of Mind House & Pet Sitting UK, I’m always on the look out for people who are just like me and love to combine their professional life working from home with time in the company of dogs and cats or other fur balls.

House and pet sitting can be a wonderful haven or break from your usual routine – and puts some extra income in you bank account at the same time. Sometimes the places we live don’t allow animals or possibly a family member has allergies. A stint away can give you a chance to enjoy and care for other people’s homes and pets, and also be a great place to do focused work, study, read a tonne of books or even write a book! Or just enjoy a well-deserved break ๐Ÿ™‚

If you’re interested in becoming a house sitter or taking on pet sitting jobs with us, please submit an initial expression of interest using the form below. We operate a rigorous selection process, so please be patient as we review your interests, information and suitability.

What Exactly Does House sitting, Pet Care or Dog Walking involve?

Please make sure you’ve gone through the information on our site, in particular the Services and FAQs sections, to understand what’s required of our POM sitters and the high quality service and experience we bring to our clients and their pets.

You might also want to do a little due diligence to ensure the role aligns with your own aims, values, qualities, experience, and expectations. If both of us feel this would be a good fit, we will go through a full application and selection process, take references and check your suitability as a Peace of Mind Certified Sitter.

Kind regards, Jay Allyson, Founder and Placement Manager, Peace of Mind House & Pet Sitting UK


Submit an Expression of Interest

5 + 14 =


Quick Questions?

Get in Touch. We Don't Bite ๐Ÿ™‚

If you have questions about us, or house and pet sitting opportunities, drop us a line or a voicemail and we’ll get back to you.


0845 860 0065


how does house and pet sitting work