Long Term House Sitting Services

Professional Long Term House Sitting Services for UK Properties With Lots of Love, Care & Attention for Your Pets


With our long term house sitting services, your property has the total care and upkeep you give it yourself. I’m clean, tidy, quiet and respectful and my reviews are testimony to the standards I set for all our sitters. 

As a house “sitter”, we don’t just “sit” around – most of us work from home and also take time to carry out all the duties required about the house and grounds. You can rest assured all is safe & well having someone in residence when you’re away for months.  If we’re looking after your beloved pet(s) – we are their trusted guardian “Aunty”.

Pets thrive on the company we provide as a live-in house sitter, whether it’s a happy cat sunning themselves in the garden or on a lap, or a contented dog having lovely walks or lots of TLC for older animals. 

If you haven’t noticed already, I absolutely love pets and pets love me! So I’m super particular who comes to work for us at Peace of Mind.  Our sitters all work from home as quiet, tidy professionals. We take references from landlords or home owners very seriously. The downside is we probably spoil them rotten with the company they get through the day, they might not want you back (just kidding!)

By having someone on the property pretty much 24/7, the security and upkeep of your home is increased many fold. Any emergencies whether with your house or any pets will be quickly and professionally dealt with – see FAQs. Sitters all have my personal support for back up too, so neither they, nor you or your pets will be inconvenienced if a sitter is taken ill or called away for personal reasons

Everything about our arrangement is clearly set out in Agreement terms and conditions we both sign prior to final confirmation.

Separation Anxiety Dog Training

If you’ve a dog with separation-related problems and wonder how you’ll ever manage to use a dog sitter without causing distress and/or destruction to your peace of mind, property or neighbourhood relations, please do get in touch.

My colleague and friend Rosee is a canine behaviour expert specialising in managing dog separation anxiety and I would be glad to help you connect.

Just mention you’d like to speak about separation anxiety for your dog when you enquire. I’ll send an intro email and you can set up a brief call where you can discuss and find a way forward so you can finally get away.

long term house sitting services uk
dog sitting services uk
Rosee Riggs separation anxiety dog behaviour training

Rosee Riggs has been a canine behaviour advisor since 2012. After adopting a retired racing greyhound who would freak out if she left him with anyone else, even someone he knew, she decided to study dog behaviour and understand the underlying causes of separation related problems.

With many professional qualifications and certifications under her belt, Rosee is a highly reputable ethical, force-free behaviour advisor.

Over the years, she has helped many anxious, fearful and traumatised dogs, and enabled their owners to gain a stress-free life including dog-free time away.


7 + 12 =

What Do you Do When You’re Sitting for us?

With my live-in long term house sitting services and being an experienced pet owner/carer, essentially I do all the things you’d do yourself to look after your house and pets if you were home. I look after every pet with love and attention, making sure they are fed, watered, exercised according to their normal routines with you and giving them lots of play, walks and cuddles (assuming they want them!)

As I’m sure you’re aware, it is far more beneficial for house pets to remain in the comfort of their own home with their usual routine. Having a live in pet sitter ensures that they remain content and calm, avoiding the stress of a new environment in kennels or a cattery, a different home or only being looked in on only once or twice a day.

A word about cost- benefits of using a live-in pet sitter… more in the FAQs


When I researched prices, I was shocked to learn the alternatives in terms of costs:

  • £7-10 for a 1/2 hour house visit to check and feed cats roaming free at home.
  • Catteries charge at least £12 a day per cat (and many of my home owners have 2 or more!).
  • Kennels will set you back £25 to £50 per dog for a 24h stay, which may or may not include 20 minutes exercise twice a day, otherwise it’s extra!

So in view of the above ‘competition’, my fees seem pretty reasonable in terms of cost-benefits to your pets. 


A live in pet sitter is way more beneficial for pets who are used to having someone around most of the time and would be unsettled left in a kennel or alone in the house.

A house sitter also suits very young or older animals, for those with separation anxiety, animals requiring medical attention or rescue pets, because I’m able to give them all the attention they want.

FINALLY, a note on ‘back up plan’

As we’re entering into long term house sitting services arrangement, it will be helpful if I can make use of your usual back up care for your pets while I’m in residence.

That way, I’m not entirely grounded for the duration, as it would be nice to visit my family and friends and can’t always take a dog with me or if your cats cannot be left a night or two on their own even with a cat feeder.

long term house sitting services uk
long term house sitting services uk

What’s included in the Service?

  • I’m at the property every day and all night (usually 24/7 with some time off), which means your pet has company, your home is secure and any emergencies with your pets or home are dealt with quickly and resourcefully.

  • I’m friendly, respectful, professional, caring, clean, tidy, quiet and calm; pets all seem to take to me and neighbours often don’t know I’m there.

  • My clients remark on the enormous “peace of mind” they feel after meeting me (hence the name) and express surprise because their pet “doesn’t normally take to new people”.

  • All your animals will be fed their normal food in the quantities you specify unless there are reasons that indicate other needs, such as hot weather, vomiting etc.

  • Stable routines will be adhered to within reason, including meal times, snack rules, medications, exercise and/or play.

  • Your dog(s) will be walked when, where and for the time and frequency you ask for.

  • Your pets will receive caring companionship and a firm hand as required 🙂

  • Any medications will be administered according to your/vet’s instructions and their health condition monitored carefully.

  • All pets health will be continually monitoring and professional help sought if necessary. (I have a biomedical background and good common sense, but also respect the need to be cautious if I suspect any deterioration or change in condition or appetite.)

  • Your pets and home will be loved and cared for just as you would. I keep a very tidy, clean house, water plants, maintain the garden basics, and keep everything running smoothly during your absence.

  • Garden fruit & veg will be picked and preserved or distributed as you would yourself if home, just leave instructions. (I’m even open to planting seeds and repotting plants for long-term sits if required.)

  • Because I’ll be mostly working from home rather than out sightseeing, you’ll know someone is at the property pretty much day and night – great company for pets too 🙂

Minimum Basic Services

With my long term house sitting services, the pet sitting part is a labour of love. But nonetheless useful to state at least the ‘minimum basic services’ with the caveat that you get a whole tonne more that this when you use my house and pet sitting services. 

Make sure you pop into the photo gallery and read some of the review feedback and you’ll start to appreciate all the tales of pets sitting happily next to me on a chair while I’m working, out and about on our walks, on my lap or at my feet on the sofa in the evening. 

If they’re allowed in the bedroom, that’s where they’ll be in the morning too. I usually get up early and make a cuppa to take back to bed and it’s so funny to see them wait patiently then bound up the stairs and jump onto the bed as if to say hey come on, let’s snuggle. 

For me, there’s nothing better than getting out for a walk in the fields, woods or beach enjoying your dog’s company as much as they enjoy mine plus all the smells and fun of romping around outdoors! (One cat actually followed us down the road about half a mile before turning back haha!)  

All pets will be cared for according to your requirements and normal routine. 


* Fresh water & food (as directed)

* Play time (yay!)

* Administration of medicine (if required)

* Doggie day trips out and above (by car as advised)

* 20 minute walk for dogs twice a day minimum (or as directed, usually at least one 1-hour walk and one shorter)

* Scooping for dogs (garden or out & about) and/or litter box cleaning for cats (if they don’t go outdoors for their business)

* Bedding or litter clean for other small animals (as needed) 


* Cleaning, dusting, vacuuming regularly

* Spotless kitchen and bathrooms on your return

* Watering of house plants

* Bringing in mail and newspapers

* Taking out/bringing in dustbins

* Turning on/alternating lights

* Opening/closing blinds

* Watering garden and basic tidying (as needed)

Any specific additional requirements not on this list, please just ask when you enquire.

Get in Touch


(As I’m often in very rural locations, I can’t always get mobile reception, so if you leave your mobile number, I can get back to you fastest using Whatsapp as I have data if not close to a wifi.)